Snake and Ladder Problem Python


class QueueEntry(object):
    def __init__(self, v = 0, dist = 0):
        self.v = v
        self.dist = dist
'''This function returns minimum number of
dice throws required to. Reach last cell 
from 0'th cell in a snake and ladder game.
move[] is an array of size N where N is 
no. of cells on board. If there is no 
snake or ladder from cell i, then move[i] 
is -1. Otherwise move[i] contains cell to
which snake or ladder at i takes to.'''
def getMinDiceThrows(move, N):
    # The graph has N vertices. Mark all
    # the vertices as not visited
    visited = [False] * N
    # Create a queue for BFS
    queue = []
    # Mark the node 0 as visited and enqueue it
    visited[0] = True
    # Distance of 0't vertex is also 0
    # Enqueue 0'th vertex
    queue.append(QueueEntry(0, 0))
    # Do a BFS starting from vertex at index 0
    qe = QueueEntry() # A queue entry (qe)
    while queue:
        qe = queue.pop(0)
        v = qe.v # Vertex no. of queue entry
        # If front vertex is the destination
        # vertex, we are done
        if v == N - 1:
        # Otherwise dequeue the front vertex 
        # and enqueue its adjacent vertices 
        # (or cell numbers reachable through
        # a dice throw)
        j = v + 1
        while j <= v + 6 and j < N:
            # If this cell is already visited,
            # then ignore
            if visited[j] is False:
                # Otherwise calculate its 
                # distance and mark it 
                # as visited
                a = QueueEntry()
                a.dist = qe.dist + 1
                visited[j] = True
                # Check if there a snake or ladder
                # at 'j' then tail of snake or top
                # of ladder become the adjacent of 'i'
                a.v = move[j] if move[j] != -1 else j
            j += 1
    # We reach here when 'qe' has last vertex
    # return the distance of vertex in 'qe
    return qe.dist
# driver code
N = 30
moves = [-1] * N
# Ladders
moves[2] = 21
moves[4] = 7
moves[10] = 25
moves[19] = 28
# Snakes
moves[26] = 0
moves[20] = 8
moves[16] = 3
moves[18] = 6
print("Min Dice throws required is {0}".
       format(getMinDiceThrows(moves, N)))

Min Dice throws required is 3


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